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Investigación K

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2013): (Enero - Junio) Memorias Encuentro Contra Hegemónico Urbano. Derecho a la ciudad ¿utopía o realidad?.

Pedagogies reviews and transformation subjectivities

September 1, 2016


In the following lines will try support why it is central to the pedagogical and political praxis review, recovery of life, lived as the main field of dispute or contest with the siren song of hegemonic powers. And is that part of the action and counter-hegemonic thought, is fundamental questioning about the kind of subjectivity that we set, we live, we recognize and defend in our daily lives. It is at this stage of the micro-politics where molecular hegemonies makes its appearance, leaving us, sometimes unconsciously and consciously other, the legacy of its hegemony, colonization our life worlds. Leaving as a challenge to restore the social and political subject.


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