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Investigación K

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2013): (Enero - Junio) Memorias Encuentro Contra Hegemónico Urbano. Derecho a la ciudad ¿utopía o realidad?.

The construction of the city, in societies Dissent

  • Carlos Arturo Ramírez Salazar
September 9, 2016


This article problematize the city from the challenge of the contemporaneity, coexistence within an urban space of people demanding a politically supported, the difference, but under the “fate†or evidence of having legitimate right to live together, in a world systemically integrated, which goes beyond the boundaries of the city and the nation, extending the entire planet. That is, in a globalized world, where differences emerge and are confronted with discourses and meta-hegemonic discourses and counterhegemonic, presenting dissenting communities


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