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Reflexión K

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2013): (Enero - Junio) Memorias Encuentro Contra Hegemónico Urbano. Derecho a la ciudad ¿utopía o realidad?.

Crisis of capital and social mobilization: tools from Latin America to build a sustainable peace in Colombia

September 9, 2016


The idea of a Colombia that is building peace through war, has generated mixed feelings in constant voltage ranging from skepticism to hope; be a more sensitive negotiations with the FARC guerrillas who have been historically constructed as the enemy look. Despite the criticisms leveled against the model of peace that is being discussed at the table of Havana between national government and FARC, the truth is that the country has begun to prepare for a post-conflict scenario. From this projection, this article presents reflection and building a lasting peace requires the dismantling of the concept of the enemy and the change of government attitude to face social conflicts from repression.


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