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Investigación K

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2016): La paz nos pertenece (Enero - Junio)

Thinking about the University Professing as a formative act

April 14, 2017


The following article presents some considerations about the crisis of the University in the commercial and business dynamics demanded by the world of globalization and virtualization, and the possible micro resistances that, from gratuity, donation and professing. State of the modern university that is evident from the analysis of Derrida in front of the crisis of the Humanities. Dominating the Cloister for technical-scientific knowledge and research as an appropriation of cultural capital by the world of globalization, it remains as an alternative to speak of changes from the professed as a testimony of life and as the main task of the intellectuals to make their Praxis a resistance in the University through its individuality. For this, it is necessary to show two transformative and propositive projects of what professes implies. These are the University of Caen and the Nomad University (UNINOMADA). Two positions that have as central point the gratuitousness and the access to the knowledge from the popular education. Hence, each training project must involve the individuality of each actor so that from their difference can build a micro resistance.


  1. Derrida, J. (2002). La Universidad sin condición. Ma- drid: Editorial Trotta.
  2. Kant, I. (1999). El conflicto de las facultades de filo- sofía y teología. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
  3. Onfray, M. (2008). La comunidad filosófica, Manifiesto por una Universidad popular. Barcelona: Ge- disa Editorial.
  4. Restrepo, C., & Hernández, E. (2015). Manifiesto por la Universidad Nómada (Vol. 11). Medellín: Co- lección asoproudea. Obtenido de http:// manifiesto%20uninomada%20libro.pdf.