ere is a direct and proportional relationship
between neoliberal ideology and its anti-democratic vein, that
is, when it the application of neoliberalism seeps deep into
the imposition of a de-democracy, which empties and sacrifices
social welfare is promoted and radicalized, by reducing to the
minimum, the welfare state. e working hypothesis that guides
these paragraphs will be to demonstrate that the neoliberal
ideology leads one to believe that the extreme concentration of
wealth and political power in a few hands is the only way that
will "guarantee the transfer of welfare" to the vast majority of the
population, the sine qua non condition for filtering wealth from
the top down, will consist of defending private property in the
strict sense of the word through a disciplinary and competitive
logic of the state with an entrepreneurial vision that regulates
and promotes capital investment; first wealth must be generated
and "then it will be distributed" to the benefit of the class in
power. e narrative of the document will be composed of a
general approach to the object of study and finally it will pose
the unsolvable contradictions between neoliberal ideology and