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Investigación K

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021): Enero - Junio Construcciones comunitarias, populares, étnicas, campesinas y sociales, urbano-rurales en América Latina

The integration of latin american waste pickers or the creation of a new margin

August 26, 2020


One of the objectives pursued is to bring out of marginality the poor populations, who live on this waste collection. However, this action has side effects, such as the emergence of a new "urban margin" with the arrival of new waste pickers, who will remain informal. The challenge is to understand the often-conflicting connections between the activities of these different types of waste pickers. The integration of informal actors has become the object of public policies in Latin America, yet, after analyzing the Peruvian, Colombian, and Brazilian cases, the emergence of new marginalities can be evidenced.


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