Magister en educación y trabajadora social. Docente y líder del grupo de investigación Territorio y Derechos étnicos de la Fundación Universitaria Uniclaretiana. ORCID: 0000-0002-6390-7393 Contacto:
The territory, for the Colombian Pacific communities, is perceived as a meeting place, an opportunity to be with the other, with the environment and with oneself; in short, as a possibility of being in the world. Consequently, this possibility of being in the world is not being there with only instrumental or survival implications; Quite the contrary, it generates in the subjects an affective value that leads them to link, in one way or another, to “their territory”, to what they have done with it, to what they have managed to represent themselves from and from it. This affect or feeling can be called - without excluding other possible names - topophilia. In this sense, the proposal of the Institution of Uniclaretian Higher Education, by targeting those regions that are marginalized, forgotten or difficult to access - as in this case the areas of the Colombian Pacific are - manages to articulate with the life projects of its inhabitants and with the ties of empathy that they have formed with their territories
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