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Investigación K

Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022): Julio - Diciembre

Delinquent Acts: Reflection from the Death Drive

April 28, 2023


This text shows the quantitative results of the research “Death drive and criminal acts in a group of inmates of the INPEC – Pasto,” by considering its objective, which was to understand the death drive in the violent acts present in a group of inmates of the Judicial Jail of Pasto, which would allow the design of an intervention proposal with the selected population. In this sense, three categories of analysis were taken as reference: death drive, events, repetition, and subjective rectification; from a mixed design, with a hermeneutic approach and ethnographic method, with the application of semi-structured interview, life history and focus group. Although it is true that the research indicates that most inmates do not present high levels of antisocial behavior, there are percentages, which deserve consideration, since they are behaviors that may occur in the course of their lives.


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