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Editorial K

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2013): (Julio - Diciembre) Memorias Encuentro Contra Hegemónico Urbano. Capital, sujeto y ciudad.

Urban policy is only a mechanism of exclusion of marginalized

May 3, 2016


The right to the city is intertwined with the right to housing as a minimum entitlement, which is protected by the constitutions, national and international laws, and yet it is nothing but a hymn to the flag as is the DALO law in France. The same right is just paper and you can try to appreciate the research institutions such as Habitat International Coalition HIC or reporting over 1,200 million homeless in the world, which adds that in cases in which operations are performed the beneficiaries are not involved at any stage of the process, and therefore can not participate in the construction, design, location, among others, why eventually end up homeless again later because they fail to conform or fit within these institutional designs.


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