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Reflexión K

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2013): (Julio - Diciembre) Memorias Encuentro Contra Hegemónico Urbano. Capital, sujeto y ciudad.

Medellin urban management Privatized?

May 19, 2016


The city of Medellin in the last decade has generated a series of transformations ranging from the implementation of major infrastructure projects, some of them located in marginal areas of the city, to a process of transforming its historic industrial vocation to vocation services. This process has been advanced through a strategic planning exercise to a new city model, which has passed through the periods of government and the administrative and political boundaries have become political run even decades. This vision of territorial management is based on building consensus among economic sectors that are present in the region and the institutional component, expressed in successive governments, but with exclusion of the rest of the population, generating what could be considered privatization of urban governance. It is on these elements we want to deepen the reflection, as institutional action has entered into a privatization process, focusing their actions in pursuit of income of certain economic sectors, seeking to insert the city into a global dynamic.


  1. Gómez Salazar, Beatriz. Procesos de transformación de la ciudad de Medellín descentramientos- aglomeración-polarización 2000- 2007. Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional –sede Me- dellín. (2008).Disponible en línea en: co/3259/1/BGS-ACIUR.pdf.
  2. Lungo Díaz, Mario Globalización, grandes proyectos y privatización de la gestión urbana. Revista Ur- bano. (2005).
  3. caribe/ARTICULO-WEB-NEW_NO- TA_INTERIOR-13114840.html).
  4. Soledad Betancur, Globalización: Cadenas productivas y redes de acción colectiva en la reconfiguración territorial y nuevas formas de pobre- za y riqueza en Medellín y el Área Metropolitana.
  5. Visión Colombia Segundo Centenario, página 13.
  6. Visión Colombia 2019, Fundamentar el crecimiento y el desarrollo social en la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación, pagina 41, Departamento Administrativo de Planeación.