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Investigación K

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2013): (Enero - Junio) Memorias Encuentro Contra Hegemónico Urbano. Derecho a la ciudad ¿utopía o realidad?.

The school youth. Of the Training places to the Construction spaces senses

May 23, 2016


This text comes from an epistemological concerns and in turn guiding question on the role of the contemporary school and its importance in the development of training processes that go beyond the transmission of knowledge. The conception of the school as a meeting place where dialogue can collectively share life experiences, raises reflections on the role of individuals in the construction of knowledge and ways of life, while education takes on its own meaning and authentic to the extent that a school has to conceive that transcends institutional frameworks and regulatory regimes; it is a gamble to consider the condition of young individuals in habitats conducive intersubjective construction conversations to share life experiences and cotidianidades, turns out to be an exercise in collective construction of knowledge and affections.


  1. Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogía del oprimi- do. Siglo Veintiuno Editores. Toma- do de http://paradigmaeducativo35. re-definicion-de-escuela.html.
  2. Kaplún, M. Tomado de http://www. uploads/2012/01/37-revista-dia- logos-del-educando-oyente-al- educando-hablante-Perspectivas de la comunicación educativa en tiempos del eclipse.pdf.
  3. Castillo, Prieto D. Tomado de http:// comunicacion, educación y autor-daniel-prieto-castillo.html.
  4. Duarte, K (1999): «Juventud o juven- tudes», publicación electrónica. Tomado de pdf/udecada/v8n13/art04.pdf.
  5. Valenzuela, José M. Decálogo para repensar las certezas.
  6. Quapper, Duarte K.(2000) ¿juventud o juventudes? acerca de cómo mi- rar y remirar a las juventudes de nuestro continente. Ultima Década Nº13, CIDPA viña del mar, septiem- bre, PP. 59-77. Tomado de http:// art04.pdf