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Investigación K

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2013): (Julio - Diciembre) Memorias Encuentro Contra Hegemónico Urbano. Capital, sujeto y ciudad.

urban drift, anesthesia and social control

  • Daniel Inclán
May 4, 2016


The city remains the space of dream worlds of capital and its correlate of legitimizing mass productivity telos it is synthesized, and consumer telos a world enchantment is verified by the circulation of fetishes, a new mythical version of collective life. Social power implicit in the production of time and space is compressed in late capitalism, compacted by the acceleration of its uses and meanings, privileging the immediacy, expressed in images. The dream space gives its formal temporal volatility of volume images. So that the aesthetic experience alienated joint space dreaming through the mediation of images.


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